Hi. I'm Hagen.
CTO, Founder, Co-Founder and crypto space developer
In a nutshell:
> 1000 contributions to GitHub per year at the time of writing
> developed the very first Smart Contract for Security Tokens according to eWpG
(German Electronics Securities Act)
> founder and co-founder of more than 5 companies
incl. one exit
> released the very first React Native app into the Apple AppStore
and Google PlayStore, April 2016, zizzle.io
> 30 yrs of experience in software development, > 10 yrs as CTO
Latest Work
Founder & CTO at infobud.ai
2024/01/01: 💥infobud.ai is an AI-driven news aggregator that simplifies global news, offering customizable feeds in all languages for tailored insights into tech, finance, politics, and more.
Web (opens in a new tab) + LinkedIn (opens in a new tab) + LinkedIn Anncouncement 1 (opens in a new tab) + LinkedIn Announcement 2 (opens in a new tab)
We've all experienced how mainstream news platforms tend to be overwhelmed by a few dominating stories, causing us to miss out on other significant developments. To address this, I imagined a news platform governed not by the whims of editorial teams but by an intelligent algorithm - promoting unbiased and diversified news coverage. Enter infobud.ai (opens in a new tab).

Avalanche SubNets, Custom Chain / AppChain
2023/05/01: 💥 Why And How We Built Our Own Blockchain for effortless Building, Testing and Token Abundance: Twitter (opens in a new tab) + Article on LinkedIn (opens in a new tab)
Thanks to Avalanche SubNets and Blockscout we are running our own EVM.

SmartContracts for a Security Token (eWpG)
2023/06/01: Building SmartContracts for a Security Token, which covers the regulatory requirements of the German Electronics Security Law ("eWpG") fully on-chain, together with a d'App to manage the SmartContracts, permission, rules and token minting.
SmartContracts for ReFi-Startup Below2, USA
2022/07: Building SmartContracts for offsetting Carbon credits providing token retirement in carbon vaults. Full test coverage built with hardhat. GitHub (opens in a new tab)
Get in Touch
- Twitter @0xhagen (opens in a new tab)
- GitHub @itinance (opens in a new tab)
- LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/hagenhuebel/ (opens in a new tab))
- Medium 0xhagen (opens in a new tab)